URICAS 2019 Workshop

The 5th URICAS Workshop was held on 25th – 26th November 2019 at RIKEN’s Singapore Representative office in Singapore. The objective of the workshop was to facilitate brainstorming sessions and conduct critical discussions on the future of URICAS beyond the year 2020. The year 2020 will mark the fifth year of the URICAS program and thus, provides a good impetus for self-examination and contemplation. The workshop was attended by the URICAS principal investigators (PIs) from Malaysia and Japan. Also invited to the Workshop were several independent reviewers from higher institutions of learning from Malaysia and Singapore.

The review committee was tasked with evaluating the achievements of URICAS since its inception in 2015 and the future viability of the program for the next five years, 2020-2025. To acquaint the reviewers with the URICAS program, they were provided with a whitepaper detailing its history and collaborative efforts. They were also given specific terms of references (TOR) as a guideline to perform the evaluation.

Fruitful discussions were had, and many impending issues were critically scrutinized by the PIs while being overlooked by the review committee. Towards the end of the workshops, the review committee gave an ad hoc summary of their findings and recommendations. An official report was prepared by the review committee and presented to the Vice-Chancellor of USM, Prof. Dr. Faisal Rafiq Mahamd Adikan and the President of RIKEN, Dr. Hiroshi Matsumoto on 14th January 2020.

To download a copy of the report, please click on this link.

Postdoctoral Fellow Colloquium URICAS 2019

On 8th August 2019, Postdoctoral Fellow Colloquium URICAS 2019 was held in Seminar Room at TOARY Building, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The objective of the colloquium was to provide an opportunity to the postdoctoral fellows working under URICAS project to present their research findings in front of the URICAS principle investigators (PI). The colloquium was started at 10 am with presentation by Dr. Manoj Kumar Lakshmanan from School of Biological Sciences entitled “Development of New Biopolymers for Medical and Therapeutic Applications in Aged Patients”. The second presentation was given by Dr. Mardani Abdul Halim from School of Biological Sciences entitled “The Transcriptome of Ageing”. The colloquium adjourned at 12.30 pm.

URICAS SWOT Analysis Workshop & Jamuan Raya – 18 June 2019

On 18th June 2019, SWOT Analysis Workshop was held in Seminar Room 1 & 2 at Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine (INFORMM), Universiti Sains Malaysia. The objective of the workshop was to provide space for brainstorming sessions to set direction for URICAS after 2020, as well as to identify the weakness and advantage of each principle investigators (PI) in URICAS project. The workshop was attended by all the PIs and postdoctoral fellows of URICAS.

On the same day, Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri URICAS was also held in the Club House of INFORMM, Universiti Sains Malaysia.  The event was also to celebrate the gratitude of the successful launch of the International Conference on Aging (ICA) 2019. Deputy Director of INFORMM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasidharan Sreenivasan and all INFORMM lecturers were also invited for the banquet.

Later in the afternoon, the outcome of the SWOT analysis was discussed and full report was successfully completed. The report is important to determine the future direction of URICAS Project.

URICAS Manuscript Writing Workshop 2019

On 3rd April 2019, a URICAS Manuscript Writing workshop was held in School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The objective of this workshop is to assist postgraduate students under the URICAS project on how to write manuscript research effectively. The facilitators for this workshop were Assoc. Prof. Dr Saiful and Assoc. Prof Dr Sasidharan.

URICAS Symposium 2019

This year’s URICAS symposium will be organised by Universiti Sains Malaysia on 6 March 2019 (Wednesday). The symposium will be held at the auditorium at the Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine (INFORMM), USM Main Campus in Penang. The symposium will be open to all.

International Conference on Ageing 2019

USM will be organising an international conference on March 7-8, 2019 in conjunction with USM’s 50th anniversary. The conference focuses on ‘ageing with dignity in a technological society’. The conference covers topics from fundamental life science to social issues affecting our daily lives. A diverse lineup of keynote and invited speakers are being finalised and will be announced soon. Please visit the conference page for details.

URICAS 2018 Symposium

The URICAS symposium this year was held at RIKEN’s Wako Campus on 1-2 February 2018. A series of presentations by USM and RIKEN principal investigators were held at the Suzuki Umetaro Hall.

Seminar on 26 Aug 2016


Date: 26 August 2016 (Fri)
Time: 11:00 am
Venue: INFORMM Auditorium, USM Main Campus

Mouse Model for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Towards understanding the pathophysiology

Toru TakumiProf. Dr. Toru Takumi, MD, PhD
Senior Team Leader
RIKEN Brain Science Institute



Autism is a complex psychiatric illness that has received considerable attention as a developmental brain disorder. Substantial evidence suggests that chromosomal abnormalities including copy number variations contribute to autism risk. The duplication of human chromosome 15q11-13 is known to be the most frequent cytogenetic abnormality in autism. We have modeled this genetic change in mice using chromosome engineering to generate a 6.3-Mb duplication of the conserved linkage group on mouse chromosome 7. Mice with a paternal duplication display autistic-like behavioral features such as poor social interaction and stereotypical behavior, and exhibit abnormal ultrasonic vocalizations. This chromosome-engineered mouse model for autism seems to replicate various aspects of human autistic phenotypes and validates the relevance of the human chromosome abnormality. This model is a founder mouse for forward genetics of a developmental brain disorder and an invaluable tool for its therapeutic development. I will show our analyses on these mice towards understanding the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder.

(Prof. Dr. Takumi’s visit to USM is hosted by Prof. Liong Min Tze)

Seminar on 24 Aug 2016


Date: 24 August 2016 (Wed)
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue: INFORMM Auditorium, USM Main Campus

There will be a seminar by our visiting scientists from Japan, Dr. Li-Foong Yoong a Research Scientist at the Laboratory for Genetic Control of Neuronal Architecture at RIKEN Brain Science Institute and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Itsuki Ajioka from the Center for Brain Integration Research at Tokyo Medical and Dental University.


1. How do neurons build their complex dendrite arbors?

Li-Foong Yoong, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Laboratory for Genetic Control of Neuronal Architecture
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, JAPAN

Dendrites are the crucial structure of neurons where signals are received and propagated. Neurons require highly branched dendritic arbor morphologies to wire together neural networks and define the individual functional properties of the cell. The intricate cell biological mechanisms by which such complex dendritic arbor architectures are established remain largely unknown. Importantly these mechanisms are often disrupted in neurological disorders and may be utilized during neuronal regeneration. To understand how final morphology is achieved, assaying not just the final dendrite shape but rather the continuous imaging of neurons during dendrite outgrowth and arborization is required. However, live imaging of mammalian neuron has been proven challenging as they take weeks and sometime months to develop. On the other hand, insect develops and matures its nervous system in just days. Taking advantage of this system, our lab uses Drosophila melanogaster as a model for deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying the complex dendrite arborization processes (Nature Neuroscience. 2015;18(10):1437-45, Nature Neuroscience. 2011;15(2):224-33, Neuron. 2007;56(6):963-78.)
In this talk, I will discuss our recent work of studying complex dendrite formation using a novel non-invasive, in vivo time-lapse microscopy approach. We performed live imaging-based RNAi screening coupled with computer vision-based quantification, and have identified groups of signaling molecules and cytoskeletal modulators that control the dynamics of the dendrite development processes.

2. Cell-cycle and Biomaterial Engineering for Injured Brain Regeneration

Itsuki Ajioka, Ph.D.
Center for Brain Integration Research
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, JAPAN

Our laboratory is focusing on injured brain regeneration from the view of biology (developmental neurobiology) and bioengineering (biomaterial engineering). Although our brain do not regenerate after injury by self-healing, recent advances in neurobiology uncovered the potency of brain regeneration. For example, we found and reported the proliferation potency of neurons (Ajioka et al., Cell 2007; Oshikawa et al., Development 2013). How can we bring out the regenerative potential in injured brain? We tried to understand the regeneration potency of injured brain by the approach of “science”, which reflects building and organizing knowledge of something that does exist. In contrast to “science”, “engineering” reflects a creative application for the development of something that does not exist. Thus, “engineering” approach could be important to bring out the regenerative potential in injured brain. For example, we developed artificial scaffolds and reported the technique to proliferate neurons in a 3D manner (Ajioka et al., Biomaterials 2011) and the technique to align neurons in the injured brain region (Ajioka et al., Tissue Eng Part A 2015). In this talk, I will introduce our recent finding on injured brain regeneration.


Dr. Yoong Li Foong


Dr. Itsuki Ajioka


URICAS members with the speakers.
